Peconic Baykeeper
Peconic Baykeeper is dedicated to protecting and restoring Long Island's swimmable, drinkable and fishable waters. A member of the international Waterkeeper movement founded by Robert F. Kennedy Jr, the organization was established in 1998 as an important clean water advocate using science, education and law to defend critical watersheds from the Peconic Estuary through the South Shore Bays.

When Mercurylab began working with Peconic Baykeeper, they were engaged in a series of David vs. Goliath struggles, seeing themselves as the only truthtellers carrying the torch for clean water in their geographic region. We needed to help them authentically shift the beliefs that created the adversarial perception surrounding the organization, to make their ability to litigate into a positive, and to clarify their goals, positioning and messaging. We helped them to shift the internal culture of the organization, developing a focused strategy to enable effective fundraising, community cooperation and engagement, and lay the foundation through educational activities for young people to become advocates for the future health of the Peconic Bays.